Being found online these days is essential for your business. More and more people are now using search engines such as google and bing to find prospective businesses for the services they need. By using trusted online business directories such as 123 Business Directory, you can increase the potential of being found online, improve the SEO of your current website, strengthen your brand identity and increase your visibility for local customers. Here are 4 reasons you should list your company on business listing websites:


1. Increase your potential of being found online

When people need something, they search for it. These days this means searching on search engines to find the service they need. By listing your company on a business directory website increases the chances of you appearing in these searches therefore giving you a higher chance of getting customers.

This is especially true if you do not have a website for your company, or have a very weak online presence.


2. Improve your SEO

In case you didn’t know, SEO stands for ‘search engine optimisation’. One of the best ways to appear higher in google searches for your industry is to have a website with good SEO. One way to build this is by using backlinks. Backlinks are other websites that feed into yours via links from text, images or just your URL.

By having backlinks from other websites will increase your SEO, therefore move you up the google rankings. One easy way to do this is to list your business on directory websites.


3. Improve your brand identity

Using business directories can be a reliable source for potential new clients to check out your credentials before they contact you. Being listed on business directories show that you are legitimate, proven, and not just someone out to make a quick buck.

Some of these websites use customer reviews and feedback systems which can help show off your strong points and will strengthen your brand identity and reputation in business.


4. Increase your visibility for local customers

Lots of directories are focused on single areas, or have sub sections that potential new clients can use to filter results to businesses in their area. This is great for gaining reputation and strength for your business in local markets. By placing your business on localised business directories can be of great help when people search for your business niche in their area.


If you would like all of these benefits then please feel free to add your listing to the 123 Business Directory.

4 Reasons why you should list your company on business listing websites

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